Today’s market pressures are forcing HR and Marketing teams to collaborate to create a seamless brand experience, aligning both prospects and employees around a broader purpose. When teams operate in silos, either the employer or corporate brand can be inconsistent and can drive down results and team morale.  However, the rewards are evident if leadership can align efforts – according to O.C. Tanner’s latest Global Culture report, organizations that focus on culture can drive a 8X greater incidence of great work and are 2X likely to grow revenue.

Join us on Thursday, Nov. 14th as the team from O.C. Tanner brings us leading industry insights on ‘talent magnets’, and how Marketing and HR teams are collaborating to drive this combined purpose through their brand initiatives.

Bonus – join us as we host this event at the Milwaukee Public Market’s awesome 2nd Floor event spaceFree Parking (Validation at 9 AM after event wrap-up)

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Anne Burdge

Anne Burdge

Anne Burdge is a culture strategist with O.C. Tanner, where she works with clients to apply recognition and appreciation to help people thrive at work. She is a digital devotee with a marketing and project management background, and enjoys running and thrifting around Milwaukee.

Sean Reti

Sean Reti

Sean Reti is a Milwaukee native with over 15 years of experience growing organizations. He is a former professional athlete that loves giving back to the community and spending time with his family