Today’s marketers must deal with an incredibly complex set of disruptions, ranging from new competitors to constant technological upheaval. So what’s a marketer to do to get ahead?
At the May 14 keynote event, Stephen J. Liguori, founder and CEO of Liguori Innovation, will discuss how marketers must get comfortable with being uncomfortable, what a modern marketer must have and how to keep up with new tools and technology. Liguori will also provide examples in which winning for your customers really matters.

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Stephen J. Liguori<br />
Founder and CEO<br />
Liguori Innovation

Stephen J. Liguori
Founder and CEO
Liguori Innovation

Stephen J. Liguori  is the founder and CEO of Liguori Innovation. The firm specializes in helping organizations identify and create new sources of growth for existing lines of business and potential new categories. Liguori is an expert at applying start-up principles that stress leadership, speed and improved customer outcomes in complex organizations. Adapting these cutting-edge new skills while respecting a firm’s strengths and culture is what makes Liguori Innovation unique.
Most recently as GE’s executive director of global innovation, Liguori was instrumental in major efforts that helped transform and re-invigorate GE’s organic growth and speed to market with outstanding results.
Currently, Liguori is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, as well as BMA’s global chairman. His distinctions include being named a marketer of the year, Harvard Business Review author, chairman’s award winner at both Citigroup and GE and launching the Super Bowl halftime show with none other than Michael Jackson.