Your marketing organization (or your client’s program) success depends on the quality of your team. Whether you are sourcing free-lance or full-time talent, or developing a broad-based or specialized organization, the search for quality resources never ends. Our first programming series will explore key issues such as hiring trends in the greater Milwaukee area, and important skillsets that you and your team need to develop to maintain an edge.

TEKsystems’ Digital Account Executive, Arin Olson, and Recruiting Lead, Jack Butler, will cover key hiring trends based on staffing talent for both agency and client-side organizations – both in MKE and across the nation: Arin and Jack will cover key trends such as: what roles are on the rise, what skills are most sought after, and offer advice on both resumes and interviewing.

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Arin Olson<br />
Digital Account Executive<br />

Arin Olson
Digital Account Executive

Jack Butler
Recruiting Lead