In today’s world of rampant product and service parity, creativity is one of the most powerful weapons companies have to differentiate themselves. Yet, there’s this ridiculous myth that you have to be “a creative” to be creative. We all have the ability to be creative thinkers, and to bring creativity into whatever role we play in our companies.
Register today to learn five simple tips you can start using to unleash your inner creativity. In this workshop, you’ll also:
- Do a fun, hands-on exercise
- Learn how to get past the self-doubt that plagues creative thinkers
- Get a behind-the-scenes look into real-world creative thinking examples
- Learn about books and other resources to jumpstart your creativity
Mike Fredrick
Chief Creative Officer
Nelson Schmidt
Mike has lead the creative direction for everything from local B2C companies to global Fortune 500 B2B organizations. Previously, Mike spent 15+ years leading creative at the largest independent B2B advertising agency in the nation, where he helped build some of the world’s most prominent B2B brands. His deep experience in B2B creativity has garnered prominent speaking invites, including a session at the 2015 Global BMA Conference on launching products in highly regulated industries.