Why Join

B2B has never been so personal.

Why Join

When you join ANA, you also become part of a local community of professional B2B marketers and communicators.

As the only professional organization dedicated exclusively to the professional development of B2B marketers and communicators, we can connect you to the people, knowledge, and programs you need to be successful. With multiple membership options, we provide access to the people and resources that allow you to:

Stay ahead of industry trends

By attending monthly program events, you’ll hear stories from the nation’s top marketers. Learn from their experiences, hear their vision for the industry, and be inspired.

Enhance your professional network

Our events offer an excellent way to connect to other B2B professionals in southeastern Wisconsin. Through a mix of professional and social events, you’ll meet peers and colleagues, share ideas, and explore business opportunities together.

Exclusive discounts

Milwaukee chapter members receive discounted access to national events!

Gain recognition

Members have the opportunity to teach others by hosting a workshop to showcase their B2B expertise.

Corporate (Client-Side) Memberships

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